Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Allergies Type 1

Allergies Type 1 is also called contact allergy. It is is when food, mold, animal dander, pollen, or dust can cause an immediate allergy attack. Whey your body responds to the invasion, your body releases histamine from the irritated area such as the skin, nasal and bronchial areas.
A person with Allergies Type 1 is burdened with an overprotective immune system and is forever on guard against everyday things that don't bother the rest of us. It might be a cute puppy, a patch of green grass, to something as simple as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
The hypersensitivity allergic reaction to type 1 allergies can vary from mild irritation to sudden death from anaphylactic shock. Any sympton that causes swelling of the toungh or difficulity in breathing requires View the rest of this article

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