Monday, July 16, 2007

Get on the iPhone Waiting List!

Just imagine...if the iPhone turns out to be as cool, as user-friendly, as reliable, and down-right revolutionary as the iPod...then my 60GB video iPod will one day soon be as relevant to my life as the hundreds of CDs that I've digitized to get rid of them.
A little convoluted, perhaps, but my point is simple: Before the iPod, it was CDs, and CD players (I had a friend with something like a 12-disc changer and he was like a god to us audiophiles), and making sure your car had a CD player, and portable CD players.
Then came the iPod, and it was like, "Hold on, now! I can store all those CDs I've been so careful not to scratch (and remember how awful it was when you were dumb enough to let someone borrow one of your CDs and it was returned blemished??) on this l View the rest of this article

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