Sunday, July 22, 2007

How Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) Diagnosed?

Assessing whether a certain individual is suffering from Attention Deficit with HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER or not is far harder than it appears to laymen like ourselves. This is because, not only does it’s symptoms largely overlap those of hyperthyroidism etc. they are also largely exhibited by ‘normal’ human beings some time or the other every single day. Therefore the first important step towards diagnosing the disease is to consult a trained health care provider regarding it. Things only seem scary when we are treading over 'new ground', so to speak. Take small but deliberate steps and a positive end will begin to appear on the horizion. Given that the defining factors of ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER is still quite musty and vague diagnosing the prob View the rest of this article

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