Monday, November 26, 2007

What Is A Migraine?

This article was written to answer some of their frequently asked questions and address common issues of interest. And like them, I hope you'll find this information helpful too.
We?ve all heard the term before, but what exactly is a migraine headache? And how does it differ from other types of headaches?
One way to tell it?s a migraine is by the length of time it lasts. A migraine isn?t going to go away in a half-hour. Unless you are very, very, very lucky. Chances are your headache, if it truly is a migraine, is going to last anywhere from four to seventy-two hours. Yes, that?s right. Seventy or more hours is not common, but neither is unheard-of. Should your headache last that long, of course, you should be in the emergency room. Don?t wait nearly that lon View the rest of this article

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