Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Top 10 FATAL mistakes people make after age 40!

Mistake # 1: Doing work that brings no joy or happiness Who made up the rule that says work should bring misery. Go ahead and add up the hours of “work” left in your life. Calculate up to the day you stop breathing, not the day you retire. A big number, isn’t it? Now, how will you spend those hours? The choice is yours. Mistake #2: Doing work that does not align your abilities and your interests This is huge. Think about it. If your work does not include an alignment of your abilities and your interests, no wonder you feel burned out. Better to be interested in something that you don’t have abilities in than to work a lifetime at activities you are good, at but have no interest in. Mistake #3: Working for someone else When you are working just to pay the bill View the rest of this article

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