Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Monitoring Your Fitness Progress: Don't Guess- Measure!

Mass Gaining program is incomplete without the timely measurements to monitor Your Progress. The only way to know if your mass or fat loss program is successful is by monitoring your measurements, weight and body fat levels.
'One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.' - Admiral Grace Hopper, U.S. Navy
Depending on the program, I recommend that everyone take their body fat levels every 1-2 weeks.
There's a lot that these readings reveal to a trained eye! For example, I was recently on a fat loss diet, and I did not lose any weight for three weeks. At first I thought that I needed to drop my calories further because the current levels were not working for me. I did not want to do this because as a hard-gainer, dropping my calories too lo View the rest of this article

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