Friday, December 14, 2007

Why dont diets work?

=================================================== It is a widely reported FACT that 95% of diets don't work! That fact doesn't stop over 75% of people saying they had been on diet in the last year. So this being the case what?s the point in losing 20 Lbs, and gaining back 25Lbs and why do people do it? There is no doubt that there is great pressure over the last few years to look 'thin'. So why do diets fail? That's the million dollar question. The main reason diets fail is we are guilty of falling for the latest cleaver marketing campaign. Over the last 10 years there has been a stack of diets on the market many endorsed by Hollywood stars. Many of these diets DO work, BUT only short term. They often do produce quick weight loss and fantastic results. The problem View the rest of this article

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