Friday, August 17, 2007

It’s Only 10 – 15 Minutes – Take Some Time To Relax While Breast Pumping

You have so many things to do being a new mom, and taking the time for breast pumping is just one more thing to add to your long list of to-do’s. However, you should not think of your breast pumping time this way. This can actually be your time to get away, take a couple of deep breaths, and just relax.
The first thing that you need to do is attempt to create a schedule for breast pumping during those times when the baby is sleeping or when dad walks in the door from work. Then hide yourself away in a nice quiet place of your own. A really good investment to make your time breast pumping more convenient and comfortable is a hands free bra. This makes reading your favorite book or magazine much easier.
The best way to get as much breast mi View the rest of this article

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